The importance of encouraging parents.
'Abd Allah ibn' Amr Radhiallahu 'anh explained that a man came to Allah 'alaihi wa sallam and said:
"I came to give a promise of allegiance (allegiance) to you to immigrate, but I left my parents in tears." Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam said:
"Come back to them and make them laugh (announce them) as you make them cry." [1]
Migraines are one of the most important teachings of Islam . In fact, Allah swt gave stern warnings to those who refuse to migrate, without reasonable excuse. Word of God:
Those whose lives the angels take while they wronged themselves (to refuse to migrate), they were asked by the angels, saying:
"What do you do about your religion?"
They said: "We were the people who are oppressed on earth."
They say: "Did not Allah's earth spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?" The people in such circumstances, their abode in Hell, and Hell is an evil place to return.
Except those who are weak (really) than among men, women and children,
that no means in their power (to escape) and did not find a way (to migrate). So they (For such), and hope God forgives them. And (remember) Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving. [Al-Nisa '4:97-99]
Including those who are excused for not migrating as the hadith above, which is sad when his parents emigrated, it is more important is that he did not emigrate and return to their delight.
Guidance contained in this hadith that encouraging parents is one of the claims of religion. So let us do something to keep parents out of joy, especially if it is distressing them. There is no way limited to encouraging parents, as long as it does not involve something that is forbidden by the Shari'ah. Often contact them, often to visit them, take them on holiday, buy them gifts are some examples of how we can please the parents. Leave them lonely, not a look they are not concerned about their affairs, spoke with a loud tone, scolded them are some examples of our actions that they are pathetic.
Question arises, can delight their parents by celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day ? Some leaders forbade the celebration Mother's Day and Father's Day. Their argument is:
Day celebrations in Islam is only two, the 'Eid al Fitr and 'Eid al-Adha . Any other celebrations were prohibited by religious heresy.
If Mother's Day and Father's Day is good, surely Allah 'alaihi wasallam is host to our friends Radhiallahu 'anhum at his age.
Mother's Day and Father's Day is a celebration of non-Muslims and Muslims are prohibited from following them.
Do good to the mother and the father is the demand throughout the year instead of one or two days of the year.
Although the figures are those that prohibit a respected, it does not mean that their arguments can not be opened for analysis. In analyzing the arguments of the celebration of their Mother's Day and Father's Day, I noticed it was weak. Here's why:
1. Feast of innovations that may not be concerned with the religious festival. Aidul Aidul Fitr and Adha is a religious feast day, because that's the day we are required to perform Takbir and prayers. The day Mother's Day and Father's Day, so he is concerned with the traditional celebration of man, as Teacher's Day celebration, Day of Older Persons, and so forth. Not included in the discussion of what heresy or sunnah concerned with indigenous people.
It should be noted that in interacting with the question of heresy, people are divided into three groups:
First are those who are very strict assessment, so that almost all the new innovations that are labeled as forbidden by Islam. Though most of these things is something that should be legal.
Second are those who bermudah Perhaps his assessment, so that almost all the new things that are labeled as heresy gain. Whereas in the case is there really an innovation prohibited by Islam.
Third are those who are in the middle, not excessive nor bermudah May. Each new item will not be labeled as heresy or Sunnah but first be analyzed in depth.
2. Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam did not organize Mother's Day and Father's Day at the time he needs it because the atmosphere does not exist. Among friends, there are hostile to Islam of their parents. And certainly do not need to do good to them. For some other friends, they live with or near parents, so do not need a special day to be kind to parents.
Unlike today, most of us (the children) are far away from their parents, whether because of learning or career. This caused us to find space to do good to parents semampu can I continue living alone. Celebrating their parents on Mother's Day and Father's Day is one of those spaces.
3. It is not all derived from non-Muslims is forbidden. Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam himself had asked the prisoner of war of Badr to teach Muslims to read and write. He also served several times using other nations in war strategy strives expedition.
Thus the ban on non-Muslims to follow on something that actually addressed the characteristics of their religion is still practiced. Referring to the day of the feast, we Muslims are forbidden to participate and celebrate their religious days or copying, such as Easter Day, Thaipusam, Wesak Day and others. Mother's Day and Father's Day is not a non-Islamic religious day.
4. argument "Do good to the mother and the father is the demand throughout the year instead of one or two days of the year" is proof that an argument is based on the real earth. In fact, it can be used to say back to them: " J ika so why are not you now and always at the side of your parents? "
Do good to parents does not mean sitting next to them all the time. However, it is offset by just the kind to their own survival. One of these is the balance between celebrating the parents on Mother's Day and Father's Day. Of course it is better if the children can often create more space for doing good to their parents. I will explain this further in this book, insha-Allah.
So celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day is to be open to the position of each child. Anyone who finds it to please their parents, will then move. But anyone who can create another space to delight their parents with no limited to Mother's Day and Father's Day , of course it is better. The same explanation is also extended to several days such as the Birthday celebration.
[1] Saheeh: Released by the al-Nasai and judged authentic by al-Albanian in Saheeh Sunan al-Nasai - Hadith no: 4163 (Kitab al-allegiance, Chapter hung to move).
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