Terangi jalan hidupku dengan cahaya KasihMU.. Bimbinglah daku dengan HidayahMU.. Dalam syahduku,ku memohon ampunilah segala dosaku yang lalu.. Sujudku, mendambakan keredhaanMU, tempatkan daku di dalam RahmatMu.. Ya ALLAH, Tunjukkanlah jalan kebenaran.. Suburkan jiwaku dengan keimanan yang hanya padaMu.. Ya Allah,hanyalahMU daku sandarkan harapan..
About Me

- maziahbusrah
- kota samarahan, sarawak, Malaysia
- i'm normal human that need guide to become good,and friendly...by the way,i miss my family,,a lot,,,
Monday, January 31, 2011
Words of Inspiration After Having A Failure
• Humans are able to make profit from his mistakes, and try again in a different way.
• Failure means that you have not succeeded yet.
• Remember that you can fail in anything in life provided there be a failure.
• Failure does not mean you can not achieve any meaningful what.Ia you have learned something.
• Money is not everything, but it will be connecting with your children.
• Many people still rely on the work of a low wage because they are afraid to fail when trying other things.
• Mistakes are proof that someone was trying to make a particular area or occupation.
• Mistakes teach us about what we need to learn after that.
• What you learn after only a count.Kegagalan failure itself is not counted.
• You will not find a way wrong.Anda just not effective.
• Mistakes are important kehidupan.yang reality is that an error response.
• If you want a place in the sun, ready to burn.
• You do not have to say WHY ME? You should be thankful that you have selected.
• Even a mistake may also be important to ensure the success of value.
• If you want to take an employee, make sure he never failed before.
• Failure does not mean you can not go all.failure it just means you need to take more time to succeed.
• If we compete with ourselves and our failures, who will win? Think!.
• "Pass" and "Failure" is a long way to categorize the new seseeorang.Cara is "knowledge" and "ignorance".
• Do not be afraid and shy for any action you did.all life is a test.
• There may be no failure for those who continue to struggle.
• Many people find a safe place, but finally caught!
• Dream a dream to be realized is imprisoned by the enemy number one-the fear of FAILURE!
• Nobody judge your order as a failed, except yourself.
• If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably does not take you anywhere.
• wrong-error tells us about what we need to learn.
• When you have reached the end of the rope ...... and there is no impediment to rely on a rope ...... jump others.
• Failure is an opportunity for you to try again to succeed!.
• People who lack the courage to start something, actually have been killed!.
• We may not learn a thing unless we are willing to fail first.
• The best way to learn to be a winner is to learn from those who have lost or killed in a competition, act or so.
• Failure in life is to be a failure to learn from it.
• Once failed, does not mean you have lost your ,..... just died when you were lost, desperate.
• Only those who dare to have SEVERE FAILURE TO SUCCEED WITH GREAT hope for if he learned something from that failure.
• Mistakes are part of the debt to be settled for life.
• Most valuable gift given only to those who have failed, but he never complained or withdrew or-lose hope.
• Each person has a strong desire to achieve so that they can ignore the failure of these efforts.
• People who fail to imagine a punishment for winning failure.people imagined rewards for each victory.
• down instead of falling.
• If the children brought up to fear trying something new for fear of failure, they would not be brave later.
• In great attempts, it is considered excellent even fail.
• If at first you do not succeed, try looking back ever direction you throw into the trash.
• When you are rich, think a moment you have poor first.
• We need the dark to see the stars.
• Life is one continuous mistake in which we learn to be perfect.
• One big mistake that we can do in life are always afraid to make mistakes.
• Do not give-up hope because usually the key that can open last key.
• If you have an earlier failure, subsequent failures feel less painful.
• Error after error brought person find ultimate truth.
• The most important thing when faced with any unpleasant situation is by paying attention to what should be done after this, instead of looking for-what's wrong.
• Highlight the true nature of human difficulties.
• In my view, if you want the rainbow, rainfall informed first.
• I can accept failure because everyone fails in some particular.But I can not accept people who do not dare to try.
• You are not fail.you just do not know some things again.
• One mistake would not be wrong until you correct it.
• Failure does not make you a failure if you do not give-up hope to try again.
• I do not divide the world into the weak and strong, or successful and unsuccessful, neither of which can do something or others.i dividing the world into those who study and learn.
• Fear of making mistakes prevents a person from their potential to detect or feel the greatness in themselves.
• Every failure is a lesson that encourages someone to try a new approach that has never been attempted before.
• Do not say that failure is the failure wrong.said teaching.
• You will not to know about yourself through successful.Anda know through failures and mistakes.
• Do not be afraid to admit guilty.Ia is like saying that you're wiser today than yesterday.
• Failure does not mean you are a fool to try.Ia means you have the courage to see what can not be done.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
doa utk mmudahkan urusan
Doa untuk memudahkan sebarang urusan
Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali sesuatu yang Engkau permudahkan, Engkau menjadikan kedukaan itu mudah sekiranya Engkau kehendaki.
smile gifts
Hadiah Terbaik
Kepada kawan - Kesetiaan
Kepada musuh - Kemaafan
Kepada ketua - Khidmat
Kepada yang muda - Contoh terbaik
Kepada yang tua - Hargai budi mereka dan kesetiaan.
Kepada pasangan - Cinta dan ketaatan
Kepada manusia - Kebebasan
pearl ladies
Nafsu mengatakan wanita cantik atas dasar rupanya,
akal mengatatakan wanita cantik atas dasar
ilmu dan kepandaiannya,
dan hati mengatakan wanita cantik atas dasar akhlaknya.
wanita/perempuan diciptakan bukan daripada tulang rusuk atas
untuk memerintah, bukan daripada rusuk bawah untuk dipijak,
tetapi terletaknya rusuk itu di bahagian dada dan berdekatan
dengan tangan bermakna tangan yang membelai dan hati yang
mempunyai perasaan dan kasih sayang.
harmony life
Mutiara Kata
Hiasilah kehidupan ini dengan gurau senda kerana ia melambangkan kehidupan yang harmoni.
Jangan jadikan diri anda ibarat sekumpulan tisu-tisu kerana tugasnya adalah untuk mengesat
benda -benda yang kotor
"buah akal ialah ilmu pengetahuan,buah jiwa adalah iman dan buah fizikal ialah kemajuan"
"cinta kepada bunga akan layu,cinta kepada manusia akan berpisah dan cinta kepada ALLAH
s.w.t akan abadi"
* Mimpi tidak akan menjadi kenyataan jika kita asyik tidur.
* Orang yang bijak mempelajari banyak perkara daripada musuhnya sendiri.
* Terdapat banyak kemungkinan untuk gagal kerana kejayaan hanya boleh dicapai dengan satu
perkara iaitu USAHA.
* Ketika ditimpa bencana, kita akan mengenali yang mana satu lawan & yang mana satu kawan.
* Pemimpin yang baik akan memikul kesalahan & tidak mengejar nama.
* Rumah tanpa buku umpama bilik tanpa tingkap.
* Kebocoran yang kecil masih boleh menenggelamkan sebuah kapal yang besar.
* Tiada hadiah yang lebih berharga daripada nasihat yang baik.
* Nyanyian ibu untuk menidurkan anaknya ketika kecil adalah suara yang paling merdu di dunia.
* Tanpa permulaan, anda tidak akan sampai ke mana-mana.
* Berdoa dan meminta bukannya perkara yang sama.
* Kegagalan adalah permulaan kepada kejayaan.
* Fikiran membawa kepada pekerjaan. Pekerjaan membawa kepada kejayaan. Kejayaan
membawa kepada impian.
* Mimpi tidak akan menjadi kenyataan jika kita asyik tidur.
* Orang yang bijak mempelajari banyak perkara daripada musuhnya sendiri.
* Terdapat banyak kemungkinan untuk gagal kerana kejayaan hanya boleh dicapai dengan satu
perkara iaitu USAHA.
* Ketika ditimpa bencana, kita akan mengenali yang mana satu lawan & yang mana satu kawan.
* Pemimpin yang baik akan memikul kesalahan & tidak mengejar nama.
* Rumah tanpa buku umpama bilik tanpa tingkap.
* Kebocoran yang kecil masih boleh menenggelamkan sebuah kapal yang besar.
* Tiada hadiah yang lebih berharga daripada nasihat yang baik.
* Nyanyian ibu untuk menidurkan anaknya ketika kecil adalah suara yang paling merdu di dunia.
* Tanpa permulaan, anda tidak akan sampai ke mana-mana.
* Berdoa dan meminta bukannya perkara yang sama.
* Kegagalan adalah permulaan kepada kejayaan.
* Fikiran membawa kepada pekerjaan. Pekerjaan membawa kepada kejayaan. Kejayaan
membawa kepada impian.
pink in health
Fungsi Madu Dan Peranannya.
Meningkatkan kadar serapan kalsium dalam badan
Dapat meningkatkan hemoglobin dan dapat mencegah dari serangan anemia.
Bila dicampurkan sedikit cuka ia dapat merawat arthirik sendi
Kegunaan madu secara luaran juga dapat mempercepatkan lagi proses penyembuhan.
Dapat meningkatkan pengeluaran gastrointestinal untuk merawat ulcer.
Sumber laxative yang natural dan lembut
Sumber utama vitamin dan mineral yang kaya.
Sumber tenaga yang hebat dan semulajadi tidak seperti gula pasir yang memudaratkan
Meningkatkan kadar serapan kalsium dalam badan
Dapat meningkatkan hemoglobin dan dapat mencegah dari serangan anemia.
Bila dicampurkan sedikit cuka ia dapat merawat arthirik sendi
Kegunaan madu secara luaran juga dapat mempercepatkan lagi proses penyembuhan.
Dapat meningkatkan pengeluaran gastrointestinal untuk merawat ulcer.
Sumber laxative yang natural dan lembut
Sumber utama vitamin dan mineral yang kaya.
Sumber tenaga yang hebat dan semulajadi tidak seperti gula pasir yang memudaratkan
kerana dirimu begitu berharga
Tips for Reducing Stress
If you are one of the millions of stressed-out Americans, there's good news. People can learn to manage stress. Start with these stress management tips:
Keep a positive attitude.
Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
Be assertive instead of aggressive. "Assert" your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
Learn and practice relaxation techniques.
Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
Don't rely on alcohol or drugs to reduce stress.
Seek out social support.
Learn to manage your time more effectively.
If you are one of the millions of stressed-out Americans, there's good news. People can learn to manage stress. Start with these stress management tips:
Keep a positive attitude.
Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
Be assertive instead of aggressive. "Assert" your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
Learn and practice relaxation techniques.
Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
Don't rely on alcohol or drugs to reduce stress.
Seek out social support.
Learn to manage your time more effectively.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
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